What’s it all about?
I met Rob and his co-founder Dannan at the Oxford EV summit recently, though they had been on my radar a while. Hardly surprising given there success. In the two years since, the business has grown from the initial 5 cars they launched with in Birmingham, to now being the largest electric vehicle fleet in the UK. A great story of innovation, bootstrapping and fast growth and the changing mobility landscape.
About our guest
Having graduated from Warwick University with a masters in Mechanical Engineering, Rob worked for 5 years at Jaguar Land Rover, culminating in managing the Product Strategy & Innovation team within the Corporate Strategy division. Initially taking the concept of an electric vehicle subscription service to JLR’s in-house business incubator, it was quickly recognised that the idea would have significant limitations as a JLR captive company.
Rob was given approval to develop the idea outside of JLR and left to form the business in 2017. Since then the business has been growing at an electrifying 40% month on month, to now hold the title as the UK’s largest electric vehicle fleet. Evezy offers all inclusive electric vehicle subscriptions on a monthly rolling contract, providing all the benefits of car ownership with none of the hassle.
Rob Jolly on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/rob-jolly-488781ab/
Evezy on Twitter: twitter.com/DriveEVezy
Evezy on Facebook www.facebook.com/DriveEvezy/
Evezy on Linked In www.linkedin.com/company/evezy/
Evezy website www.evezy.co.uk/
Steve Jobs Biography www.amazon.co.uk/Steve-Jobs-Exclu…n/dp/034914043X/
Elon Musk biography www.amazon.co.uk/Elon-Musk-Billio…g/dp/0753555646/
Peter Thiel Zero to One www.amazon.co.uk/Zero-One-Notes-S…e/dp/0753555204/
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