I first saw Charlotta pitch Blixt at Ecosummit and was subsequently introduced via my friends at BayWa Ventures. I loved her enthusiasm, and I take my hat off to anyone that has founded, exited and founded companies on many occasions. I’m sure you’ll be inspired by her story.

About our guest

Charlotta has been an entrepreneur for 20 years and active in several roles setting up businesses in various sectors from e-Commerce to gaming and later deep tech in transformative energy. She loves entrepreneurship for the opportunity to constantly learn and navigate through challenges and opportunities.

As a seasoned serial entrepreneur Charlotta started learning about the climate crisis and strongly felt she must use her accumulated experience to try to make a difference.

Blixt was founded in 2018 with the goal of bringing grid-edge data intelligence to the energy supply market through the introduction of digital circuit breaker technology.

Mechanical circuit breakers have been the gatekeepers of household electricity supply for around 150 years, but our digital alternative will be a game changer for the future of electricity management. Software is appearing in all aspects of every industry today, and it just doesn’t make sense to have an analogue, mechanical device in something so central as the entry point for electricity in a home.

The solid state circuit breaker is a response to emerging trends in global energy markets and aims to satisfy growing demand for “grid-edge intelligence” from both consumers and power network infrastructure. Blixt is so far the most ambitious challenge I have ever taken on. On the other hand, our innovations spark for an entirely new energy paradigm. 
On Women’s Day 2019 Charlotta was awarded “No 1 Female Entrepreneur of the Year Globally” by the UK rating institute Earlymetrics which was of course a great honor.

About Blixt

Blixt is the first and only company to develop miniature, solid state circuit breakers for the residential market. Unlike conventional mechanical breakers, the Blixt Breaker can collect real time data and remotely control all loads – all via one small connected device that fits standard fuse boxes. The new Blixt Breakers are a game changer for the electrical system. It will enhance performance of renewable energy solutions, battery storage solutions and demand-side management at grid edge.


Blixt on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/bl-xt/
Blixt web page: blixt.tech/
Blixt Twitter: @BlixtTech
Charlotta Holmquist on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/charlottaholmquist/


Blixt on YouTube during SET Awards: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDQGwkICuJE
Blixt at Ecosummit 2019 www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYhh2nI2kJ4&t=2s
The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company: 1 www.amazon.co.uk/Startup-Owners-M…ep/dp/0984999302

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